Your pavers and wall bricks need to look amazing. Yet, sometimes, strange white stuff will appear on these surfaces. It is referred to as efflorescence. Efflorescence on brick pavers is a common problem that forms a powdery substance when exposed to air. Efflorescence forms based on three conditions: the presence of water-soluble salts, moisture, and a path through which soluble salts can migrate. The following insights into this efflorescence will help handle it better.
The Causes of Efflorescence
Various conditions have to be met before efflorescence forms on your pavers and wall bricks. Yet, the leading causes are water-soluble salts and water-dispersible materials. Other potential causes are low temperatures and moist conditions. Condensation, groundwater, rainwater, and dew could also form efflorescence.
There must be water-soluble salts on the wall and block pavers for this efflorescence to form. There should also be a channel through which these salts will move. In most cases, fewer channels make it hard for water to move, meaning that more efflorescence will form. Increased material porosity will also contribute to the issue.
Efflorescence is a common phenomenon. While it could seem alarming, you do not need to worry much. Various elimination procedures are at your disposal. It will not harm your brick pavers, particularly if you address the issue on time. However, it can make the surface appear significantly dull and whitish.
Removing Efflorescence From Pavers
Various steps go into removing efflorescence from pavers. The procedure is straightforward, saving you time and money. The go-to option is often using a stiff brush, where you scrub the surface hard enough to remove the efflorescence. This move will be followed by hosing water over the surface, preferably with warm water.
You could also mix muriatic acid and water in the affected area. This natural acid is used in swimming pools and masonry to remove different stubborn elements on the surface. Using concentrated mixtures will help you achieve your intended goals within a much shorter period. At the same time, using a paver cleaner will come in handy.
Vinegar is a popular choice when removing efflorescence from pavers. This option suffices if there is too much white stuff on your surfaces. Its availability makes it an excellent alternative to muriatic acid. However, it is less potent than the latter.
A professional would be an excellent idea, as they have the relevant skills and experience to handle efflorescence fully. A skilled professional will help save time and resources in the long run, allowing you to focus on more meaningful ventures. Their specialized equipment and products will ensure the surface is safe and clean.
Efflorescence on your pavers and wall bricks can be a nightmare. However, it will not be the case if you contact MSE Hardscape Design and Installation professionals. Our technicians have over 18 years of experience in the field, designing, maintaining, and installing different walls. We offer our services to commercial and residential properties. With our services, your home is your haven! Call us today via (816)318-8599 for detailed insights and a consultation!